ANIMAGENE - Analyse génétique animale

Map and how to come

At the laboratory, we are able to do the swab on your dog’s cheeks and collect your dog’s DNA sample. You will quickly get the parentage result.

The Animagène laboratory is located: 42 avenue de la République à Bordeaux (France). Parking is free and unlimited on this avenue and side streets.

If you come through the A10 highway, from Saint-André-de-Cubzac, …, please follow the Bordeaux-Lac sign. Go over the Pont d’Aquitaine and take the first exit on the right going towards center city. Follow this direction (leave the mall on your right). Then take the street going towards the Boulevards and the Polyclinique Bordeaux-Nord. Follow the boulevards up to Porte Judaïque (cité administrative). Turn right and you will be on the Avenue de la République.